We joined and supported the Workshop: 101 on Hong Kong Public Funding for Startups organised by StartupsHK on 29 Nov 2018.
The Hong Kong government announced billions of dollars of funding for startups and SMEs, in this year, Financial Secretary Paul Chan has set aside HKD 50 billion to enhance Hong Kong’s innovation and technology industry. Where are these funding and how can they be accessed? This has been a topic that many founders ponder but many do not have a clear answer in the ever changing landscape of public funding. The Workshop aims to provide Hong Kong public funding information and sharing the application experience with the newly established businesses, especially Startups, in a bid to assist their future business development.
Dr Cheung-kwok Law, Co-director of APEC Study Centre, not only introduced different Hong Kong government institutions which offer assistance for the Startups and MSMEs but also selected and presented 5 most popular funding schemes from the Centre’s first working paper: The Development of MSME Policies in Hong Kong – A Preliminary Investigation, which are the following:
- HKSTP: Incubation Programmes
- HKDC: Design Incubation Programme
- HKTID: SME Export Marketing Fund
- HKMC: Microfinance Scheme
- ITC: Tech Voucher Programme
Experienced funding applicant Mr Elton Chan, Co-founder of Branch 8, and Mr Gene Soo, Co-founder of StartupsHK shared their experience in Tech Voucher Programme and SME Export Marketing Fund respectively.
The Workshop was successful and there were over 60 participants. Most the participants was the target audience and also participated in the current survey questionnaire undertaken by APEC Study Centre regarding the current Hong Kong Startups business development and challenges. APEC Study Centre encourages any newly business owners to participate in the current undertaking survey questionnaire, your information and opinion are essential for our understanding of the current Hong Kong Startups/MSMEs ecosystem. You may find the survey here. Information for MSMEs in APEC countries are available here.
The Workshop is fully recorded. You may find the video here. For your additional information, Dr Cheung-kwok Law’s presentation material is also available here.