Everyone has to make a lot of decisions every day, and we always hope to have something to support our decision-making so that we can try our best to reduce any uncertainties. That’s why information is important for all of us: They serve as evidence to help us establish fact-based decisions instead of assumption-based decisions, as well as increase our confidence in making decisions.
In Hong Kong, government institutions have provided us with a large amount of data sources regularly that are useful for us in our decision-making most of the time, but many of us are seldom aware of them. As such, we hope to provide a database of data sources from various Hong Kong government institutions that are closely related to our livelihood, which is useful to support our decision-making in specific cases.
We’ll update this database from time to time so that many data sources concerning more aspects of livelihood-related issues can be included here.
Topic | Details | Data Frequency | Source | Remarks | Website |
Air Traffic | Air Traffic Statistics | Monthly | Civil Aviation Department | Covers Movements of Aircraft, Passenger and Freight | https://www.cad.gov.hk/english/statistics.html |
Climate | Hong Kong Observatory Open Data | Vary | Hong Kong Observatory | Various data including: Relative humidity, rainfall, radiation level, daily total bright sunshine, daily mean wind speed | https://www.hko.gov.hk/en/abouthko/opendata_intro.htm |
Crime | Crime Rate | Yearly / Monthly | Hong Kong Police Force | In terms of the type of crime, in different districts, | https://www.police.gov.hk/ppp_en/09_statistics/ |
Crime | Traffic Statistics | Monthly / Quarterly | Hong Kong Police Force | Traffic accidents & traffic casualties & traffic enforcements | https://www.police.gov.hk/ppp_en/09_statistics/ |
Crime | Public Order Event Statistics | Yearly | Hong Kong Police Force | https://www.police.gov.hk/ppp_en/09_statistics/ | |
Crime | Police in Figures | Yearly | Hong Kong Police Force | personnel, drug seizure, people being arrested, no. of times of stop & search, complaints against police officers, comparison with other major cities in the world | https://www.police.gov.hk/ppp_en/09_statistics/pif.html |
Entertainment | Number of Libraries / Library Stocks / Number of Performances in Cultural Veneus / Number of Cultural Programme Related Performances | Yearly | Leisure and Culture Services Deapartment | https://www.lcsd.gov.hk/en/aboutlcsd/ppr/statistics/cultural.html#Museums | |
Entertainment | Number of Active Facilities / Number of Passive Facilities / Number of Recreation and Sports Activities / Number of Beaches / Number of Swimming Pools / Number of Plants | Yearly | Leisure and Culture Services Deapartment | https://www.lcsd.gov.hk/en/aboutlcsd/ppr/statistics/leisure.html | |
Environment | Air Quality Data | Hourly / Daily / Monthly / Yearly | Environmental Protection Department | Data of 18 districts, measured by (the concentration of) different air pollutants | https://cd.epic.epd.gov.hk/EPICDI/air/parameter/ |
Environment | Air Quality Data Download by Year | Yearly | Environmental Protection Department | Provides only yearly data since 1990 | https://cd.epic.epd.gov.hk/EPICDI/air/yearly/ |
Environment | Beach Water Quality | Yearly / Weekly | Environmental Protection Department | Data included: Beach Grading in 2022, Beach water quality over the past 3 years, Yearly beach water grading data | https://cd.epic.epd.gov.hk/EPICDI/beach/grading/?lang=en |
Environment | Marine Sediment Quality Data | Semi-annually | Environmental Protection Department | Marine water / marine sediment | https://cd.epic.epd.gov.hk/EPICDI/marine/?lang=en |
Environment | Recent Marine Water Quality Information | Monthly | Environmental Protection Department | https://cd.epic.epd.gov.hk/EPICDI/marine/?lang=en | |
Environment | River Water Quality | Monthly | Environmental Protection Department | Data grouped by each river zone | https://cd.epic.epd.gov.hk/EPICDI/river/?lang=en |
Environment | Recent River Water Quality Information (Dissolved Oxygen and E. coli in river waters) | Monthly | Environmental Protection Department | Measured by dissolved oxygn and E.coli | https://cd.epic.epd.gov.hk/EPICRIVER/riverrecent/?lang=en |
Environment | River Water Quality Monitoring Data Download By Year | Yearly | Environmental Protection Department | What is different from the above one: This includes numerical data only, while the above one visualizes the data, which is easier for people who are not experts in this field to study | https://cd.epic.epd.gov.hk/EPICRIVER/riveryear/?lang=en |
Environment | E. coli Levels in Victoria Harbour from Central/Wan Chai to Siu Sai Wan | Monthly | Environmental Protection Department | https://cd.epic.epd.gov.hk/EPICRIVER/vicmarinerecent/result/?lang=en | |
Environment | Tree Register | Nil | Greening, Landscape & Tree Management Section, Development Bureau | Search for the number of different types of trees in different districts | https://treeregister.greening.gov.hk/map/treeIndex.aspx |
Environment | Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) | Hourly | Environmental Protection Department | General Stations & Roadside Stations | https://www.aqhi.gov.hk/en.html |
Environment | Annual Air Quality Index (AQI) Trend | Yearly | Environmental Protection Department | General Stations & Roadside Stations (terminated in 2013, replaced by AQHI) | https://www.aqhi.gov.hk/en/annual-aqi/annual-aqi-trend.html |
Environment | Latest Annual Air Quality Index (AQI) | Monthly | Environmental Protection Department | General Stations & Roadside Stations (terminated in 2013, replaced by AQHI) | https://www.aqhi.gov.hk/en/annual-aqi/latest-annual-aqi.html |
Environment | Past Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) Record | Hourly | Environmental Protection Department | https://www.aqhi.gov.hk/en/aqhi/statistics-of-aqhi/past-aqhi-records.html | |
Environment | Air Quality Reports - Annual Air Quality Monitoring Results | Yearly | Environmental Protection Department | Provide statistics covering the concentration of air pollutants measured in different time intervals (e.g. per 10 minutes, per 8-hr etc.) | https://www.aqhi.gov.hk/en/download/air-quality-reports77ba.html?start=1 |
Environment | Summary of Ambient Dioxin Level in Hong Kong | Yearly (Monthly Data) | Environmental Protection Department | https://www.aqhi.gov.hk/en/download/air-quality-reports2985.html?showall=&start=3 | |
Environment | Air Pollution Index | Yearly | Environmental Protection Department | Data grouped by 18 districts | https://www.aqhi.gov.hk/en/related-websites/air-pollution-index.html |
Environment | Air Quality Statistics | Yearly | Environmental Protection Department | Covers "The Maximum Hourly Pollutant Concentrations and The Respective Air Quality Objectives in 2021", "The Maximum Daily Pollutant Concentrations and The Respective Air Quality Objectives in 2021" & "The Annual Pollutant Concentrations and The Respective Air Quality Objectives in 2021" | https://www.epd.gov.hk/epd/english/environmentinhk/air/data/aq_stat.html |
Environment | Water Quality in Typhoon Shelters | Yearly | Environmental Protection Department | May go to "Marine Water Quality in Hong Kong" for further details | https://www.epd.gov.hk/epd/english/environmentinhk/water/data/wq_typh_shelter.html |
Fire Service | Year Statistic Report | Yearly | Fire Servies Department | Data available since 2010 | https://www.hkfsd.gov.hk/eng/publications/statistic/ |
Food and Hygiene | Pleasant Environment Statistics | Yearly | Food and Environmental Hygiene Department | Data available since 2000, including: Markets and Stalls, Licences in Force, Permits in Force, Livestock Slaughtered, Water Sampling for Examination, Pest Control, Refuse & Junk Collection, Cleansing, Convictions, Fixed Penalty, Cemeteries and Crematoria | https://www.fehd.gov.hk/english/statistics/pleasant_environment/statistienh_2019_2022.html |
Food and Hygiene | Food Safety and Public Health Statistics | Yearly | Food and Environmental Hygiene Department | Data available since 2000 | https://www.fehd.gov.hk/english/statistics/safefood/safefood_2019_2022.html |
Health | Number of Hospital Beds by Specialty and Cluster and Hospital (as at 31 March of respective years) | Fiscal Year | Hospital Authority | In HA Data, clusters are formed according to the districts | https://www3.ha.org.hk/Data/HAStatistics/MajorReport?language=en |
Health | Number of Discharges and Deaths by Cluster and Hospital | Fiscal Year | Hospital Authority | For HA: Earliest Cluster Data is on FY 2008-09 | https://www3.ha.org.hk/Data/HAStatistics/MajorReport?language=en |
Health | Number of Discharges and Deaths by Age Group and Gender | Fiscal Year | Hospital Authority | For HA: Earliest Age & Group Data is on FY 2015-16 | https://www3.ha.org.hk/Data/HAStatistics/MajorReport?language=en |
Health | Number of Patient Days by Cluster and Hospital | Fiscal Year | Hospital Authority | https://www3.ha.org.hk/Data/HAStatistics/MajorReport?language=en | |
Health | Number of Patient Days by Age Group and Gender | Fiscal Year | Hospital Authority | https://www3.ha.org.hk/Data/HAStatistics/MajorReport?language=en | |
Health | Number of Discharges and Deaths, Patient Days, Bed Occupancy Rate and Average Length of Stay for Inpatients of General Specialties by Cluster | Fiscal Year | Hospital Authority | https://www3.ha.org.hk/Data/HAStatistics/MajorReport?language=en | |
Health | Number of Inpatient and Day Inpatient Discharges and Deaths in Hospitals under the Hospital Authority by Disease Group | Fiscal Year | Hospital Authority | Starts from FY 2017 | https://www3.ha.org.hk/Data/HAStatistics/MajorReport?language=en |
Health | Number of Accident and Emergency Attendances by Cluster and Hospital | Fiscal Year | Hospital Authority | https://www3.ha.org.hk/Data/HAStatistics/MajorReport?language=en | |
Health | Number of Accident and Emergency Attendances by Age Group and Gender | Fiscal Year | Hospital Authority | https://www3.ha.org.hk/Data/HAStatistics/MajorReport?language=en | |
Health | Number of Specialist Outpatient (Clinical) Attendances by Major Specialty and Cluster and Clinic | Fiscal Year | Hospital Authority | Grouped by Major Specialty | https://www3.ha.org.hk/Data/HAStatistics/MajorReport?language=en |
Health | Number of Specialist Outpatient (Clinical) Attendances by Age Group and Gender | Fiscal Year | Hospital Authority | https://www3.ha.org.hk/Data/HAStatistics/MajorReport?language=en | |
Health | Number of General Outpatient Attendances, Family Medicine Specialist Clinic Attendances and Primary Care Attendances by Cluster and Clinic | Fiscal Year | Hospital Authority | https://www3.ha.org.hk/Data/HAStatistics/MajorReport?language=en | |
Health | Number of General Outpatient Attendances, Family Medicine Specialist Clinic Attendances and Primary Care Attendances by Age Group and Gender | Fiscal Year | Hospital Authority | https://www3.ha.org.hk/Data/HAStatistics/MajorReport?language=en | |
Health | Number of Allied Health (Outpatient) Attendances by Allied Health Department and Cluster and Clinic | Fiscal Year | Hospital Authority | Grouped by Allied Health Department | https://www3.ha.org.hk/Data/HAStatistics/MajorReport?language=en |
Health | Number of Geriatric Day Attendances by Cluster and Hospital | Fiscal Year | Hospital Authority | https://www3.ha.org.hk/Data/HAStatistics/MajorReport?language=en | |
Health | Number of Psychiatric Day Attendances by Cluster and Hospital | Fiscal Year | Hospital Authority | https://www3.ha.org.hk/Data/HAStatistics/MajorReport?language=en | |
Health | Number of Rehabilitation Day and Palliative Care Day Attendances by Cluster and Hospital | Fiscal Year | Hospital Authority | https://www3.ha.org.hk/Data/HAStatistics/MajorReport?language=en | |
Health | Number of Community Nurse Attendances by Cluster | Fiscal Year | Hospital Authority | https://www3.ha.org.hk/Data/HAStatistics/MajorReport?language=en | |
Health | Number of Allied Health (Community) Attendances by Cluster | Fiscal Year | Hospital Authority | https://www3.ha.org.hk/Data/HAStatistics/MajorReport?language=en | |
Health | Number of Psychiatric Outreach Attendances by Cluster | Fiscal Year | Hospital Authority | https://www3.ha.org.hk/Data/HAStatistics/MajorReport?language=en | |
Health | Public Hospitals Key Statistics during Service Demand Surge | Daily | Hospital Authority | https://www3.ha.org.hk/Data/HAStatistics/MajorReport?language=en | |
Health | Manpower Position - Number of Full-time Equivalent (FTE) Staff (by Cluster) | Fiscal Year | Hospital Authority | https://www3.ha.org.hk/Data/HAStatistics/MajorReport?language=en | |
Health | Manpower Position - Number of Full-time Equivalent (FTE) Staff (by Staff Group) | Fiscal Year | Hospital Authority | https://www3.ha.org.hk/Data/HAStatistics/MajorReport?language=en | |
Health | Key Income and Expenditure items of Hospital Authority | Fiscal Year | Hospital Authority | only FY 2021-22 (May go to Annual Report for more years) | https://www3.ha.org.hk/Data/HAStatistics/MajorReport?language=en |
Health | Cancer Incidence Data - Number of new cases, crude and age-standardized incidence rate of all cancers by sex | Fiscal Year | Hospital Authority | https://www3.ha.org.hk/Data/HAStatistics/MajorReport?language=en | |
Health | Cancer Mortality Data - Number of deaths, crude and age-standardized mortality rate of all cancers by sex | Fiscal Year | Hospital Authority | https://www3.ha.org.hk/Data/HAStatistics/MajorReport?language=en | |
Health | Number of Notifiable Infectious Diseases | Monthly | Centre for Health Protection | https://www.chp.gov.hk/en/static/24012.html | |
Health | General Out-patient Clinics / Private Medical Practitioner Clinics - Consultation Rates | Monthy / Weekly | Centre for Health Protection | https://www.chp.gov.hk/en/static/24015.html | |
Health | Weekly Number of Hospital Admission Episodes of hand, foot and mouth disease | Weekly | Centre for Health Protection | https://www.chp.gov.hk/en/static/36660.html | |
Health | Statistics on Health Behaviours - Health Behaviour Survey | Apr 2018 - Feb 2019 | Centre for Health Protection | https://www.chp.gov.hk/en/static/104075.html | |
Health | Sentinel Surveillance of Infectious Diseases at Child Care Centres/Kindergartens(CCC / KG) | Weekly | Centre for Health Protection | https://www.chp.gov.hk/en/statistics/data/10/26/44/151.html | |
Health | Sentinel Surveillance of Infectious Diseases at Residential Care Homes for the Elderly (RCHEs) | Weekly | Centre for Health Protection | https://www.chp.gov.hk/en/statistics/data/10/26/44/165.html | |
Health | Sentinel Surveillance of Infectious Diseases among Chinese Medicine Practitioners (CMPs) | Weekly | Centre for Health Protection | https://www.chp.gov.hk/en/statistics/data/10/26/44/270.html | |
Health | Accident & Emergency Departments Communicable Diseases Syndromic Surveillance | Weekly | Centre for Health Protection | https://www.chp.gov.hk/en/statistics/data/10/26/44/601/495.html | |
Health | Infectious diseases by Voluntary Reporting - HIV / AIDS | Quarterly / Cumulative | Centre for Health Protection | Cumulative data since 1984 | https://www.chp.gov.hk/en/statistics/data/10/26/130/121.html |
Health | Major Health Indicators | Yearly | Centre for Health Protection | Data included: Crude birth rate, Crude death rate, Age-standardised death rate, Infant mortality rate, Maternal mortality ratio, Life expectancy at birth | https://www.chp.gov.hk/en/statistics/data/10/27/110.html |
Health | Statistics on Youth Health-related Behaviour | Selected year of study | Centre for Health Protection | Data included: Body Mass Index - Overweight and obesity & Wasting, Alcohol use, Drug use, Injury, Physical activity, Suicidal behavior, Social support, Sleep, Smoking, Screen Time | https://www.chp.gov.hk/en/statistics/data/10/757/5512.html |
Health | Health Manpower Survey | Yearly | Department of Health | Data available since 2009 | https://www.dh.gov.hk/english/statistics/statistics_hms/statistics_hms_find.html#2019 |
Health | Health Fact of Hong Kong | Yearly | Department of Health | Data available since 2013 | https://www.dh.gov.hk/english/statistics/statistics_hs/statistics_hfhk.html |
Health | Pest Control: Gravidtrap Index & Density Index for Aedes albopictus (白紋伊蚊) | Monthly | Food and Environmental Hygiene Department | Data grouped by 18 districts | https://www.fehd.gov.hk/english/pestcontrol/risk-pest-mosquito.html |
Health | Rodent: Rat-flea Index, Rodent Infestation Rate, District Rodent Infestation Rate, Overall Rodent Infestation Rate | Monthly | Food and Environmental Hygiene Department | Data included: Data grouped by 18 districts ***For yearly report, go to function F and search for “RIR of the year” | https://www.fehd.gov.hk/english/pestcontrol/risk-pest-rodents.html# |
Housing | Housing in Figures 2022 | Fiscal Year | Housing Authority | 1. Only covers data per 5 years 2. Data included: no. of households, rent, public expense etc. | https://www.hb.gov.hk/eng/publications/housing/index.html |
Housing | Private Housing Supply in Primary Market | Quarterly | Housing Authority | https://www.hb.gov.hk/eng/publications/housing/private/pshpm/previous_stat.html | |
Housing | Public Housing Production Forecast | Fiscal Year | Housing Authority | https://www.hb.gov.hk/eng/publications/housing/public/phpf/index.html | |
Legal | Number of Legal Aid Applications | Yearly / Quarterly | Legal Aid Department | https://www.lad.gov.hk/eng/statistics/index.html | |
Legal | Number of Legal Aid Certificates | Yearly / Quarterly | Legal Aid Department | https://www.lad.gov.hk/eng/statistics/index.html | |
Occupational Safety | Occupational Safety and Health Statistics | Yearly / Quarterly | Labour Department | https://www.labour.gov.hk/eng/osh/content10.htm | |
Social Welfare | Annual Service Provision and Statistics | Yearly | Social Welfare Department | https://www.swd.gov.hk/en/index/site_pubsvc/page_socsecu/sub_socsecusps/ | |
Traffic | Road Traffic Information | every 2 minutes | Transport Department | Provides estimated journey time for cross-harbour journey time | https://www.hkemobility.gov.hk/en/traffic-information/live/cctv |
Waste | Chemical Waste Treatment Centre (CWTC) - Environmental Performance Data | Yearly / Monthly | Environmental Protection Department | Data available since 1993 | https://www.epd.gov.hk/epd/english/environmentinhk/waste/data/data_cwtc.html |
Waste | Sludge Treatment Facility - Environmental Monitoring Reports | Monthly | Environmental Protection Department | https://www.epd.gov.hk/epd/english/environmentinhk/waste/data/data_stf.html | |
Waste | Sewage Sludge Collected by the Sludge Treatment Facility | Yearly | Environmental Protection Department | Data available since 2015 | https://www.epd.gov.hk/epd/english/environmentinhk/waste/data/sludge_intake.html |
Waste | Clinical Waste Statistics | Yearly | Environmental Protection Department | Data available since 1995 | https://www.epd.gov.hk/epd/english/environmentinhk/waste/data/waste_data.html |
Waste | Chemical Waste Intake - Distribution of Land-based Chemical Waste by Industries | Yearly | Environmental Protection Department | Data available since 1996 | https://www.epd.gov.hk/epd/english/environmentinhk/waste/prob_solutions/chemical_distindust.html |
Waste | Chemical Waste Intake - Type of Land-based Chemical Waste Collected by the Chemical Waste Treatment Centre (CWTC) | Yearly | Environmental Protection Department | Data available since 1993 | https://www.epd.gov.hk/epd/english/environmentinhk/waste/prob_solutions/chemical_intake.html |
Waste | Chemical Waste Intake - Marine Pollution (MARPOL) Waste Handled by the Chemical Waste Treatment Centre (CWTC) | Yearly | Environmental Protection Department | Data available since 1996 | https://www.epd.gov.hk/epd/english/environmentinhk/waste/prob_solutions/chemical_intake.html |
Waste | Monitoring of Solid Waste in Hong Kong | Yearly | Environmental Protection Department | Data available since 1991 | https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/en/assistancewizard/waste_red_sat.htm |
Waste | Hong Kong Municipal Solid Waste - At a glance | Yearly | Environmental Protection Department | Data available since 2013 | https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/en/assistancewizard/waste_red_sat.htm |
Waste | Monitoring of Solid Waste in Hong Kong | Yearly | Environmental Protection Department | Data available since 1991 | https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/en/assistancewizard/waste_red_sat.htm |
Water Supplies | Comparison of Drinking Water Charges in Hong Kong, China with Other Major Cities | 2019 Only | Water Supplies Department | Comparison between other major cities, including London, Paris. Tokyo, Seoul, Shenzhen, Beijing and Shanghai | https://www.wsd.gov.hk/en/publications-and-statistics/statistics/index.html |
Water Supplies | Waterworks Data | Fiscal Year | Water Supplies Department | https://www.wsd.gov.hk/en/publications-and-statistics/statistics/index.html |