Introducing a Teaching Material Package – EconExperiments

Promoting economics education has been one of our objectives. Many years ago, some members of the CUHK Department of Economics, CUHK Department of Curriculum & Instruction, and secondary school teachers collaborated and created a package of classroom games that support students’ learning. This package is called the ‘EconExperiments’.   Although the curriculum is based onContinue reading “Introducing a Teaching Material Package – EconExperiments”

Success Breeds Success: The Decision Behind Hard Work

Success Breeds Success: The Decision Behind Hard Work Imagine this: you’re sitting down with a group of people, ready to work. Before anything begins, you pull a card from a deck. Maybe you’re lucky, and your card promises big rewards for your effort. Or maybe you’re unlucky, and no matter how hard you work, theContinue reading “Success Breeds Success: The Decision Behind Hard Work”

Economic Insights into Norway’s Disability Insurance Welfare System

Disability insurance (DI) isn’t just a policy challenge – it’s a delicate balancing act. Governments must ensure those truly unable to work are supported, while also keeping the system efficient and preventing misuse. But how can we determine who qualifies for aid, especially when it comes to invisible ailments like chronic pain or mental healthContinue reading “Economic Insights into Norway’s Disability Insurance Welfare System”

Why Math: The Invisible Hand Shaping Economics

At its core, economics is about making sense of the world—how we allocate resources, make decisions, and how those decisions ripple through societies. Yet, to truly understand the complexities of economics, one tool stands out as indispensable: mathematics. It’s not just a support structure; it’s the very backbone that holds much of the discipline together.Continue reading “Why Math: The Invisible Hand Shaping Economics”

Economics in Action: Museums Where Learning is Fun for Everyone

We often drift to art, history, or science exhibits when we think of museums. However, economics, a subject that shapes our daily lives, can also be experienced hands-on and engagingly. This idea has come to life in physical museums where families can explore the fascinating world of economics together, just as they might at aContinue reading “Economics in Action: Museums Where Learning is Fun for Everyone”

Education as Human Capital Accumulation

Economic Explanations Why is attending schools so important for individuals? Economists offer some key explanations. One of them is that education provides individuals with training, expertise, and knowledge, which are considered assets that enhance their productivity and economic value – earnings. In essence, education is an investment in oneself or in the workforce. Economists referContinue reading “Education as Human Capital Accumulation”

Structural Form and Reduced Form – Two Empirical Analytical Tools

Economists use reduced-form and structural approaches to address questions or model various aspects of economic phenomena.   Reduced-form models focus on the effects of causes, explaining relationships between factors without delving into the exact reasons behind those connections. This approach often uses regression. For instance, imagine studying how education affects income. A reduced-form approach mayContinue reading “Structural Form and Reduced Form – Two Empirical Analytical Tools”

Cool Head and Warm Heart: How Economists Address Crimes

Some people argue that economics is just a “boring math game” and doesn’t really deal with the messy, real-world economy we’re all living in. As Thomas Quincey once put it, “Economists are too obsessed with math.” But actually, economics does help us think about a bunch of stuff: Why is it that safety and securityContinue reading “Cool Head and Warm Heart: How Economists Address Crimes”

Report Discussion on Education Hub at Social Solution Initiative, Osaka University

Prof. Travis NG, the Director of the Economic Research Centre, discussed the report “Building an education hub to address some population challenges” at The Social Solution Initiative (SSI) at Osaka University in June 2023. The paper serves as a discussion material during a meeting between the Policy Research @ HKIAPS of the Chinese University ofContinue reading “Report Discussion on Education Hub at Social Solution Initiative, Osaka University”

How Can Hong Kong Residents Make Use of Government Data in their Decision Making Process? (Case 1: Choosing a Hospital)

Introduction Various Hong Kong governmental agencies have been uploading datasets that they collected to their own websites. Hence, the establishment of the Annual Open Data Plan in 2018 has provided a comprehensive platform that consolidates their datasets, which is also updated regularly for public use. However, according to the Hong Kong People’s View on OpenContinue reading “How Can Hong Kong Residents Make Use of Government Data in their Decision Making Process? (Case 1: Choosing a Hospital)”