The price level history of Hong Kong during the 1980s-2000s

From the mid-1980s to the beginning of the 2000s, Hong Kong’s price level as indicated by the Consumer Price Index fluctuated significantly, reaching the top of around 13% in 1991 and then falling into a negative zone after the Asian financial crisis. In contrast, the CPI from 2006 onwards has shown much lower volatility thanContinue reading “The price level history of Hong Kong during the 1980s-2000s”

Price level trends and possible causes in some ASEAN economies

Inflationary pressure in the United State has been piling up since the middle of 2020, whose price level as measured in the consumer price index(CPI) increased from almost zero per cent to 8.5% in May 2022, marking four-decade highs. During the same period, price levels in ASEAN economies also demonstrate an upward trend. Among selectedContinue reading “Price level trends and possible causes in some ASEAN economies”